Case Study: Manufacturing Plant Manager

Global Manufacturer Turns to Career Transitions to Recruit Plant Manager

Career Transitions identifies a candidate excited about taking the company into their next chapter!

Case Study Manufacturing Plant Manager

  • Position: Plant Manager
  • Client: A leading global producer of highly engineered and technically complex plastic components.
  • Issue: Amid recent news of bankruptcy and acquisition, the local candidate pool was reluctant to join this global manufacturing company while in flux.
  • Solution: Career Transitions was tasked with sourcing and identifying candidates with backgrounds relative to plastics and/or injection molding, gained in automotive manufacturing environments.  Together with our research department, we identified companies within this industry sector, developed a robust pipeline and conducted scores of pre-screen interviews.

    Given the company’s current state of transition, we not only needed to screen for the relevant skill set, but we were looking for a candidate who was willing to roll up their sleeves and address the issues of sustainability, progress and change.

    Our client had faced multiple rejected offers, thus we needed to streamline our process to ensure candidates were up to the task and fully aware of the responsibilities needed to be successful in the role.

    We identified a candidate excited about taking the company into their next chapter, and after multiple interviews, he accepted our client’s offer. We stay in touch, and through implementing strategic growth initiatives and hard work, our candidate has developed a plan to ensure long term sustainability.

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